Some mornings I get up a full 3 hours before I even have to leave the house to go the work. It's crazy! I crawl out of bed at 5:00 am and hit the pavement for a 3 or 4 mile jog, then come in and shower and get ready for the day. At some point during my shower my 4 year old wakes up and comes into the bathroom and curls up on the rug until I'm done. It is quite a funny sight! By the time I'm done curling my hair my 1 year old is usually awake crying infront of the refrigerator because she wants a glass of milk.
After getting everyone dressed (including myself) and folding some laundry I didn't have time to finish the night before and brushing and flossing 3 sets of teeth, I move onto breakfast. It is normally something along the lines of eggs and toast, french toast or pancakes or waffles for the kids, my husband and mother-in-law. But as I run out of the house already late for work...I find that I have forgotten to eat breakfast myself! I don't understand how someone can cook breakfast for 4 people but forget to eat themselves, but I do it on a regular basis. So...that is why I keep a stash of these granola bars in my desk.
If you buy granola bars in the store, you have to search high and low for a good bar that does not contain high-frutose corn syrup or other unneccesary ingredients that are not friends with your body. The best part is that you can add anything you'd like to these bars to suit your cravings! Dried cherries, almonds...I've even been known to put chocolate chips in them to satisfy my sweet tooth!
Stove-Top Granola
2 cups quick-cooking oats
4 tablespoons brown sugar, packed
4 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup slivered almonds
2 tablespoons flaked coconut
In a large skillet, toast oats, cocnut and almonds until golden brown. Remove from heat and set aside. In same skillet, cook and stir brown sugar, honey and butter until bubbly, about 1-2 minutes. Stir in almonds, coconut and oats and press into a 9 x 9 pan. Cut into bars immediately (otherwise they break if you try to cut them after they've set) and allow to cool and set for 15 - 20 minutes. Enjoy!
Great idea!